Content Delivery Network – CDN

DSTEL provides Internet telecommunications services, IT infrastructure solutions and IT support for businesses.


CDN (Content Delivery Network) is a digital content delivery network service consisting of many storage servers located in many different geographical locations, working together to transmit images, videos, live streams, CSS, Javascript , File download,… to the end user.

Users aimed to

Businesses and organizations providing online content such as portals, television units, music and video suppliers, books, newspapers, etc.


Cost savings

Solutions to save costs on investment in server infrastructure when the need to expand business

Flexible expansion

Suitable flexible resource upgrade for units that own systems with a large or sudden number of visitors.

Minimize attack

With CDN, customers can reduce the load on the system up to 70% of incoming traffic or minimize DDoS attacks from happening.

Easily integrate

Simply deploying CDN integration on popular source code platforms like WordPress or Joomla.

Plus points for SEO

Page loading speed is a very important factor for keyword ranking optimization with search engines (SEO).

Customer experience

High-speed website processing will help customers increase order conversion rate and provide a better user experience.

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